
Impact of Career Counselling | Best School in Rajpura

At   Carpe Diem International School,   the   Best School in Rajpura   it forms the very foundation of the whole development of students. Career guidance plays the main role in guiding an individual through all the intricacies of career choice. Career counselling in our school helps and enables every student to make guided decisions about their future endeavours and empowers them with the ability to perform well in their respective chosen fields. Reasons to Understand Why Career Counseling Matters Career counselling is relevant in this fast-moving and competitive world because of many reasons: Self-Understanding Career counselling encourages students to reflect upon themselves, their interests, strengths, and values. They are capable of making good decisions about career choice options once they possess an appropriate understanding of themselves and their personalities to suit their goals. Goal setting The process of career counselling helps the students establish viable and realistic

Role of Arts in Education: Fostering Creativity and Expression | Best School in Rajpura

  At Carpe Diem International School the   best school in Rajpura   believes that education goes beyond textbooks and standardized tests. A well-rounded education encompasses various disciplines, with the arts playing a crucial role in nurturing creativity and expression among students. The integration of arts into the curriculum not only enhances academic performance but also fosters a holistic development, preparing students for a balanced and fulfilling life. Encouraging Creative Thinking The arts provide a unique platform for students to explore their imaginations and express their ideas in innovative ways. Whether through visual arts, music, dance, or theater, engaging in creative activities encourages students to think outside the box and approach problems from different perspectives. This creative thinking is not limited to the arts alone; it translates into other academic areas, enhancing problem-solving skills and critical thinking. Building Confidence and Self-Expression Part

Carpediem International school | best primary schools in Rajpura

 At Carpediem International School, one of the best primary schools in Rajpura , we give your child the best education possible while helping them gain knowledge day by day.

Promoting Effective Communication

When technology was introduced in society, the aim was to reduce the distance between people and bring them closer utilizing providing various mediums to communicate. Letters became emails, public phones became private landlines, which eventually became handheld devices, computers became laptops and professional cameras became phone cameras. Slowly and gradually, technology penetrated every aspect of our daily lives and communication. While this was still doing us some good, the advent of the internet, social media, and multiple forms of media disrupted the way we communicate. The coming generations are victims to the changing landscape of interpersonal communication and relations. The essence of ‘talking it out is now lost on us because we have learned to ignore the conflict, make it public by resorting to social media, and seeking validation from the number of likes, comments, and shares on our public display of emotions. If that isn’t enough, the multiple platforms of ‘staying con

Environmental Tips for Students

Living a waste-free life is no longer a theoretical concept, but rather a practical lifestyle change that is more than necessary in the current world scenario. With polar ice-caps melting, extinction of wildlife, and ocean life, the globe is experiencing an alarming rate of global situations that require to be addressed at the earliest. The extensive consumerism-based approach to living is bound to produce a humongous amount of waste in a year. Reducing one’s carbon footprint could be a challenge and an eco-friendly step. Thus knowing that a waste-free life is achieved steadily with a conscious effort at every individual’s end, Carpe Diem International, the best school in Rajpura , shares some real basic tips and tricks to lead a minimal waste-free lifestyle for students: Adopt Reusable Bag Practices Take reusable or canvas bags along with you while shopping for groceries or stationery products as they come in extra handy in all the needs. Stop opting for paper or plastic as your

Fundamentals of Good Manners

  Good manners teach children to be more considerate, kind, and compassionate.   But these days manners are slowly fading away from our life. Therefore, Carpe Diem International, the best school in Rajpura , feels the sooner we start to teach kids the fundamentals of good manners and appropriate social etiquette, the better it is. Here’s how you can do this:   Take It Easy and Slowly Instilling good manners in children is a long-term process so you better start early. Here are the magic words that can make all the difference to someone’s day – “Please”, “Thank You”, “Sorry”, “You’re welcome”, “Excuse me”, “Could you please...?” and “ May I?”. Politeness should always be there.   Watch Your Language Children are innocent and oblivious to what is right or wrong, so they might say things that could be inappropriate. More often children pick up on the way of their parent's talking style and language, so as parents you need to be careful about not using words you would u